Traditional cleaning of industrial parts, mechanical components, and electronics has typically involved manual scrubbing, pressure washing, and soaking in aggressive chemicals. These cleaning methods can damage the surfaces of the parts being cleaned and they do not guarantee thorough cleaning.
Ultrasonic cleaners work without the use of harsh chemicals and clean parts quickly and completely. Eliminating chemicals and reducing the use of water saves money and also provides a safer work place. The effective use of industrial ultrasonic cleaners requires selecting the right frequency and power which an ultrasonic cleaner manufacturer can provide based on the specific cleaning application.
Ultrasonic cleaners work by generating millions of microscopic bubbles in the cleaning solution. An ultrasonic generator produces a high-frequency electric signal for an ultrasonic transducer. The transducer is immersed in the cleaning bath and vibrates in tune with the electric signal. The transducer vibrations produce ultrasonic sound waves throughout the cleaning action.
Ultrasonic sound waves have high-pressure peaks and low-pressure troughs. The microscopic cavitation bubbles form in the low-pressure troughs and collapse in the high-pressure peaks. When the bubbles collapse, they emit a tiny high-pressure jet that hits the parts' surface to be cleaned and dislodges dirt and contaminants. These jets deliver a powerful mechanical cleaning action that works faster and better than traditional manual scrubbing or cleaning with chemicals.
Ultrasonic cleaners also clean the parts more thoroughly compared to traditional cleaning methods. They can also be fine-tuned for the specific cleaning application. The selection of the right frequency is critical to produce the best cleaning results. Low frequencies (20 to 30 kHz) produce comparatively large cavitation bubbles that make tiny, powerful jets. These frequencies are best suited for parts with hard surfaces. As the frequencies increase, the cavitation bubbles become smaller, and the cleaning action becomes less intense. Higher frequencies of several hundred kHz are suitable for cleaning delicate and fragile parts.
Once the right frequency is chosen, the ultrasonic sound waves penetrate everywhere throughout the cleaning solution. The jets from the collapsing bubbles clean inside holes, along with cracks and over rough surfaces, which traditional cleaning methods cannot do. Dirt and contaminants are removed completely, resulting in parts that are thoroughly cleaned.
With extensive experience with industrial ultrasonic cleaning equipment, Kaijo has the expertise to carry out the design and manufacturing in-house.
For more details, read the complete article “How Ultrasonic Cleaners Safely and Effectively Clean without Chemicals.” If you have questions or would like to set up a free consultation to discuss your particular needs, contact Kaijo at 408-675-557 or email