Aside from standard ultrasonic cleaning solutions, there are also industrial ultrasonic cleaners that are custom-built solutions that cater to the clients' specifications. Kaijo’s extensive knowledge of ultrasonic cleaning technology allows them to analyze cleaning requirements to make needed adjustments to standard equipment for superior cleaning performance.
Industrial ultrasonic cleaners consist of an ultrasonic generator, a cleaning tank, and a transducer. Each of these components can be selected from a line of standard components but custom features can be added and a custom system can be assembled to respond to unusual cleaning conditions or requirements.
Kaijo first looks at the cleaning application and considers the factors affecting the cleaning system. These include the type of parts to be cleaned, nature or level of dirt or contamination to be removed, and whether the system is mainly used for a single cleaning task or whether many different types of cleaning have to be carried out.
Kaijo first looks at the cleaning application and considers the factors affecting the cleaning system. These include the type of parts to be cleaned, nature or level of dirt or contamination to be removed, and whether the system is mainly used for a single cleaning task or whether many different types of cleaning have to be carried out.
Based on these factors, Kaijo decides on the ideal frequencies or frequency ranges as well as the system power. A lower frequency is usually used for removing tough dirt from rugged parts in a single use application, while a higher frequency is ideal for removing light contaminants from delicate parts. Also, the system power must be high enough to evenly fill the cleaning tanks with ultrasonic waves.
Once Kaijo has chosen the frequencies and the power, the company looks at the physical installation, determining the right kind of transducer and tank. Transducers can be immersible or mounted on the tank. Tanks could be existing ones or new ones. The size of tanks and materials used could influence the cleaning process.
Once these characteristics are determined, Kaijo chooses the components from its complete line of ultrasonic cleaning equipment. The company decides whether it's the standard off the shelf components can be used or if custom components will be required by the client.
The complete article “Can Kaijo Create a Custom-Built Ultrasonic Cleaner for My Application?” provides additional information. If you have questions after reading the article or would like to set up a free consultation to discuss your needs, please call 408-675-5575 or send an email to