Friday, March 25, 2016

Choosing the Right Frequency for Your Ultrasonic Cleaning Application

Choosing industrial ultrasonic cleaners and equipment with the right frequency for your specific application is essential in providing precise cleaning. Kaijo's ultrasonic cleaning systems are made to clean specific parts and do it effectively.

For cleaning metals and glass parts, the Kajio Phenix III Turn Key system (frequency range: 26 kHz to 38 kHz) can remove contaminants off certain materials such as machined parts, jewelry, glass, wires and medical equipment.

The Kajio Phenix Legend frequencies are midrange from 78 kHz to 160 kHz so it's ideal for cleaning less robust parts and equipment such as hard disk drives, LCD's, solar cells and panels, aluminum parts, quartz transducers and ceramic parts.

For gentle cleaning at high frequencies, Kajio's Quava Series can clean equipment made of soft or delicate materials as well as intricate surfaces such as semiconductors, electronic components, delicate medical instruments and LED's.

For industries having multiple cleaning operations, Kajio offers ideal cleaning systems that can operate at different frequencies that are required for your applications. Kaijo offers a wide range industrial ultrasonic cleaners and equipment to meet the needs of customers in various industries. 

For more information read the article titled “Choosing the Right Frequency for Your Ultrasonic Cleaning Application”.

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