Wednesday, November 20, 2019

When Are High Frequency Ultrasonic Cleaners Needed?

High frequency ultrasonic cleaners are needed when the parts to be cleaned are delicate and easily damaged.

How ultrasonic cleaners clean parts?
Ultrasonic cleaning systems use the scrubbing action of microscopic cavitation bubbles to clean dirt and contaminants from the surface of the parts being cleaned.

The ultrasonic frequency generator produces an electrical signal that the ultrasonic transducer converts to sound waves in the cleaning solution. Cavitation bubbles form in the troughs of the sound waves and collapse in the peaks. When they collapse, the bubbles create many tiny high-energy jets of cleaning solution. If the bubbles are near the surface of the parts being cleaned, the jets hit part the surface and dislodge any contaminants that are present there.

How can cavitation bubbles damage parts?

Selecting the right frequency is one of the keys to achieve the optimal cleaning performance.
Low frequency systems generate larger bubbles that deliver robust cleaning. These bubbles are so powerful that they can effectively remove heavy contaminants, but they can also cause damage to parts made of delicate materials.

High-energy jets produced from low frequency systems can also cause damage to parts with complicated structures such as printed circuit boards. They can also strip away protective coating of plating parts of some materials such as coated lenses, hard disk media or flat panel glass.

High-frequency jets are the key

High-frequency ultrasonic cleaners (over 100 kHz) generate smaller bubbles that deliver gentle cleaning. These bubbles form weaker jets. These jets don't clean as fast as the jets of the lower frequency systems, but they are also too weak to cause damage to delicate parts.

High-frequency bubbles are ideal for cleaning delicate parts and components. They are gentle enough not to cause pitting to soft parts or strip away the coatings, but they have adequate power to remove contaminants that negatively impact the coated parts. The gentle cleaning action of the high-frequency bubbles will maintain the integrity of delicate parts being cleaned.

If you would like additional information, please read the complete article “When Are High Frequency Ultrasonic Cleaners Needed?” Contact Kaijo Shibuya at 408-675-5575 or email to set up a free consultation to discuss your specific cleaning requirements.

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